Boys Basketball

The division alignments for 2024-25 Boys Basketball are: Blue Division – DeWitt,  East Lansing, Grand Ledge, Holt, Lansing Everett, Okemos, Lansing Waverly –  Red Division – Fowlerville, Haslett, Lansing Eastern, Mason, St. Johns, Williamston – White Division – Charlotte, Eaton Rapids, Ionia, Lakewood, Lansing Catholic, Lansing Sexton, Olivet, Portland

2025 All Conference Selections   Blue Division  |   Red Division   |   White Division

For scores and schedules of CAAC schools click the following links:

DeWitt, East Lansing, Grand Ledge, Holt, Lansing Everett, Okemos, Lansing Waverly, Fowlerville, Haslett, Lansing Eastern, Mason, St. Johns, Williamston, Charlotte, Eaton Rapids, Ionia, Lakewood, Lansing Catholic, Lansing Sexton, Olivet, Portland

2024-25 Final Division Standings 

Blue Division

East Lansing        12-0
Waverly             10-2
Okemos              6-6
Grand Ledge         5-7
Holt                4-8
Everett             4-8  
DeWitt              1-11      

Red Division

Mason                10-0
Haslett              8-2
St. Johns            5-5
Williamston          4-6
Eastern              3-7
Fowlerville          0-10                                                               

White Division

Portland           13-1
Sexton             12-2
Ionia              8-6                                      
Lansing Catholic   8-6
Charlotte          7-7
Lakewood           3-11
Olivet             3-11                   
Eaton Rapids       2-12

Basketball Game Sheet

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